Presenter Instructions

Online Presentations:
In order to join a session, please log in to Zoom using your email address registered with EDAS (i.e. the email address you are normally using to log in to EDAS).
  • The oral paper presentations are for 15 minutes, which may not be exceeded. 12 minutes time for the presentation and 3 minutes for the Q & A. There are a maximum of 8 presentations in each oral session.
  • The Oral Presentations are done in ZOOM if you have chosen online mode.
  • Each session will have 1 or 2 Session Chairs, a Moderator, Presenters and participants of that session.
  • Presenters and Participants are expected to join the ZOOM link 10 minutes prior to the starting of their session. They will be routed to their respective session rooms
  • Moderator will co-ordinate the session, manage Q & A and the presenters will report to the moderator


  • For 12 minutes of presentation, you can prepare around a maximum of 15 slides in PowerPoint, including the introduction and end slide
  • Be sure that the PowerPoint slides have the same layout all way through
  • Observe that the content of each slide is not too detailed
  • The possibilities of animations are numerous. Please do not exaggerate
  • Graphs and figures are often better than tables at an oral presentation. Flow charts are very appropriate to describe the material
  • If you wish to add films (demonstrations & executions) or other sorts of interactive materials, please include these in the presentation (do not access them through the internet, as this may not work to your satisfaction) and inform the Conference Office beforehand


  • The Presenters will be presenting through the online Zoom Link, which is shared below.
  • Please have your file as a PowerPoint file, ready to be shared in ZOOM.
  • Your slides should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (widescreen).
  • Also, share your presentation slide with the Session Moderator for compilation



  1. Please install Zoom in advance.
  2. For a stable connection to the meeting, please check the Zoom Webinar Best Practices and Resources.
  3. Before you connect to the Zoom Platform, have the PowerPoint presentation open on your desktop, NOT in presenter mode. We recommend you to use Laptop/Desktops instead of phones for a better presentation experience and control.
  4. Close all other windows/apps, especially mail programs
  5. Make sure you are in a space where you can control noise and interruptions. You can connect to the audio by phone or using a headset connected to your computer. We do not recommend using the microphone on a laptop, as this is not high enough quality for the recording.
  6. If you leave Zoom on, make sure that your microphone is muted during the break.


  1. The Zoom Link and credentials are


Meeting ID: 923 7326 5939 Password: 973964

  1. Click on the ZOOM session link to join the meeting.
  2. If you are joining the Session before the host has started the meeting, please wait in the lobby until the host starts the Session. Inform your Session ID. to the moderator. Once you are admitted, you will be connected to your respective Breakroom, by the moderator.
  3. Inform the host (Moderator) that you are the presenter, in Chat Window.
  4. When the Session Chair calls out your Paper ID/Paper Title/Name, you can share your Screen from your computer.
  • Click on the Share icon, either in the main window or in the control panel.
  • If asked, choose “basic” screen sharing,
  • Select the PowerPoint presentation you wish to display (NOT the “screen” option), this makes sure participants can only see your presentation and nothing else that may be going on with your computer during the presentation. Your slide deck will then come up as your main screen.
  • In PowerPoint:
    • Switch to Slide Show mode.
    • Give your presentation.
  • When done, click Zoom's Stop Share button.


  • A live Q&A Session will follow each talk/presentation, moderated by the Session Chair/Moderator
  • Participants will be muted and they need to submit questions through the Chat window to the moderator only (host), during the presentation before the Q &A Session starts
  • The Session Chair/Moderator will select and ask the questions during the Q&A session. There may not be enough time to answer all questions. The Moderator will make sure to ask related questions in the approximate order that they were first submitted.
  • The Moderator will have the ability to unmute participants if this is needed to elaborate on their questions (please note that due to the limited Q&A duration, participants may want to discuss with the author(s) offline).

Preparing for Presentation

You will have 15 minutes for your talk, followed by 2 minutes for Q&A. Please design your slides to fit the time frame and practice to make sure you will not run out of time. Most authors find that 10-12 slides are about right. Additional slides (Backup slides) could be prepared to support possible answers to attendees' questions.
Each illustration should not be crowded by text and graphics. Too much text should be avoided: illustrations should support the presentation; they should not be simply read by the presenter. Graphics help in communications, are more understandable and point out the basic ideas. Use large fonts so they can be read without a major effort.
The presentation should be clearly structured. Begin with a title slide. The index of the presentation should outline the presentation. The basic problem should be clearly stated, as well as the application area. Background and previous work should be summarized to provide a perspective for the results presented in the paper. The innovative approach should be clearly stated. The application of the approach to the application problem should be described, by pointing out the main features and characteristics, the problems, and the solutions. The results should be clearly outlined and evaluated. Appropriate comparison with previous results should be presented. Conclusions should summarize the work performed and point out the main innovation and results. Future work and developments could also be sketched.
  • Your audience is listening to you, and also reading, try to keep the written part short.
    • Reading all your points from the slides can be tedious for your audience, so short summaries may work best.
    • Too much text overwhelms your listeners.
  • Make sure the font size is large enough and that the color of the font works well with the background.
  • SPELL CHECK! Be sure to proofread.
  • Give your audience time to look at the slide. Do not hastily move on.
  • Be selective when you choose your images/visuals/graphs. Ask yourself: does this visual demonstrate my argument? How does it relate to my point?
  • The more you practice, the easier it will be to look up at your audience. The more engaged an audience member is, the more successful your presentation will be.
    • Practicing your talk is the only way you can make sure you remain within the time you are given. Try to make it a minute shorter than your allotted time!