Final Paper Guidelines


Instructions for Authors of Accepted Papers

To complete all of the steps, refer to the EDAS screenshot below:
  • Revise your manuscript carefully according to the comments of the reviewers.
  • Prepare your manuscript using a standard IEEE conference template. Template: Please double-check the paper size in your page setup to make sure you are using the letter-size paper layout (8.5 inch X 11 inch). The paper should not contain page numbers or any special headers or footers. The maximum length of a paper is 10 pages (no extra page charges). 

Download   IEEE Citation Reference

  • From the final manuscript formatted, authors must generate the electronic FINAL version in PDF format. Regardless of its initial format, the file containing the final version of the paper must be transformed in the PDF format using the IEEE PDF express web tool. PDF files generated by means of other tools are not acceptable.

How to use IEEE PDF eXpress

i. Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website. ( Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information.
ii. Create IEEE PDF eXpress account (conference ID: 54720X)
iii. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to convert your source file into IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
Before uploading your camera ready paper on EDAS, please:
  • Logon to EDAS and choose your paper
    • Check that title and abstract in EDAS match your camera-ready paper exactly. Please use Title Case for the paper title, i.e. capitalizing all main words.
    • Compare all author names in EDAS with the author list in your paper. They MUST BE identical and in the same order. This is very important because we will be using the information provided in EDAS to generate the final conference program and the table of contents for Proceedings.
    • Please ensure that the abstract and title should be readable stand-alone and not contain any references or unexplained acronyms. You are allowed to modify abstract and author list yourself.
    • You cannot modify the title for the paper, please send a mail to if that is necessary and give a valid reason.
  • Upload your Camera ready paper (Final Manuscript) in PDF format on EDAS. (Please strictly follow IEEE Guidelines)
  • Upload the source files of your camera ready paper (WORD or Latex) on EDAS. All Latex files should be submitted as a single zipped file.
  • An IEEE Copyright Form must be submitted for each paper. The IEEE is enforcing strict copyright rules. To upload copyright forms, first log into EDAS, then go to "My Papers" tab and click on the '(c)' icon under the column "Copyright Form" where your paper is located.
  • Upload a PDF file which contains the list of revisions you have made on your final paper (answers to reviewers' queries).
  • Complete your registration: The instructions for completing your registration are posted at
  • At least one author or a qualified surrogate must present his/her papers at the conference. CSI'22 registration fee includes the conference proceedings, admission to technical sessions including tutorials, coffee breaks, lunches, and banquet. To clarify your situation or if you have any questions, please email to the Conference Secretariat at Be sure to register by July 31, 2022 to ensure that your paper is included in the proceedings. Registering late may mean that your paper may not appear in the proceedings.